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Exercise Tips for Migraine

Exercise Tips for Migraine: What are the possibilities?

As a person living with chronic migraine, I would love to share some exercise tips for migraine that I hope help you on your journey. These have helped me on mine, and sometimes, it helps to find someone who has been there. It feels good to know you are not alone and someone understands. If you are in a pattern of severe migraine attacks, you may be wondering if an exercise routine is even possible for you. I get it. This has been a struggle of mine. 

As someone who has had a long-time passion for running and for some time lost that part of my life consistently, I feel you. I know both sides. The benefits of exercise and the reality of not feeling well enough to do it. Find an honest story here and practical tips. You can also see there are options for the person with migraine to help you at different stages and meet a variety of needs.

Why Exercise Matters

Exercise and migraines: woman doing yoga

Exercise is a huge stress reliever, and stress can be a very common migraine trigger. Research says, “Experts say they aren’t sure what causes migraine, but 4 in 5 people identify stress as a migraine trigger.” Exercise can relieve stress and give you those endorphins to feel better. These can be huge wins in your daily life and well-being. I know it may not always be easy, but if you can find a way, it can make a big difference. Exercise can be a natural tool to help you stay well. It isn’t a cure, but it can be one part of your toolkit. 

My Journey

While running was my passion, pounding the pavement is not always migraine-friendly. Some other options can be swimming, pilates, and yoga. Finding what works for each person is the secret to a successful exercise routine during the migraine journey.

Yoga was a game-changer for me. I found it to be a huge stress reliever, more gentle on my body and aids in migraine prevention. I remember a specific night that I had gone to a class. I left feeling completely relaxed, and my symptoms were at their best. I got a call about a family issue that would have typically been a potential trigger. Instead, I was able to stay migraine-free and took no medication. That was amazing and very telling of the power of exercise. It didn’t mean I stopped other treatments, but it did affirm that my migraine toolkit contained a variety of strategies and regimens. 

Exercise tips and migraines: woman doing yoga

This doesn’t mean you have to give up on what you love. I still run and am working on getting back into a consistent routine. Running is still a part of who I am and something I enjoy doing. Now that my little ones are getting older, I am working on a new treatment plan and a consistent sleep pattern. With those things in place, I believe I can find a balance in my exercise routine. 

Exercise tips and migraines: woman running

Exercise Tips for Migraine: Making it Possible

Exercise tips and migraine: woman on treadmill

Be Kind to Yourself

If you aren’t feeling well, don’t push it. When in a migraine attack, exercising won’t help. It will most likely make it worse. Instead, heal and rest. Then, come back to exercise when you are stronger. You will have a better chance to recover quicker and be more consistent. Give yourself grace, and remember your illness is causing this. You are not choosing this. You are choosing to take care of yourself so you can be better.

Prep Yourself

Exercise tips and migraines: woman and water bottle

Be hydrated and fueled. Going into a workout dehydrated or hungry could trigger a migraine. While I have been tempted to get it in, that is never a good idea. It is wise to plan for it. Put exercise on your calendar like a regular appointment. Then you can remember to be prepared. Enjoying this time is also the goal; worrying about a migraine following will steal that from you. Be prepared and allow this time to contribute to your overall health.

Try New Things

An open mind might be one of my most powerful exercise tips for migraines. As an avid runner, there have been times I almost felt depressed for feeling like I had lost that part of myself. As I mentioned, I have also had to find a balance between two little ones I adore and my lack of sleep. However, you throw in a weekly migraine or more and your exercise routine is greatly impacted. I used to run 5 days a week. What I learned is it is ok for things to look different.

Exercise Tips and Migraines: Woman doing Pilates

Walking can be gentler if running has been your thing and pounding the pavement is too much. Paying attention to allergy triggers was a helpful factor related to my outdoor runs/walks. If this is a big trigger for you, a treadmill could be an option on those tough days. I use a program that allows me to have trainer options, music, and views from around the world. That said, that is not a must by any means. Sometimes you need some good music or the time to yourself! 

Knowing you don’t have to lose the person you are or give up on your hopes is important. If things look different for a while, they can improve. Or maybe you find a new passion. This journey is one of hope, humbleness, and gratitude. I’m finding my way back to running, but I have found some new loves along the way.

Exercise Tips and Migraines: woman running

Yoga: Exercise and Migraine Prevention

Yoga can be a great option for people living with migraine. The benefits can go beyond exercise and help with migraine prevention. Stress can be a major migraine trigger, and as I mentioned, yoga can help reduce stress. In addition to this benefit, practicing regularly could have an impact on the frequency and severity of migraine attacks. This may mean yoga could be one part of your migraine treatment plan in addition to your other medications or treatments agreed upon by you and your doctor.

Exercise and Migraines; woman doing yoga and stretching

There are also different types of yoga. Check with your health care professional before starting anything new, and listen to your body. Dr. Well, from the American Migraine Foundation says people with migraine should avoid classes with extreme heat. He also says you should tell your instructor of your history with migraines so they can offer options to make you more comfortable or if you have a condition that requires some modifications like a pinched nerve, trouble with your spine, or blood clots.

Exercise tips and migraines: yoga instructor and yoga class

Your yoga instructors and healthcare providers can guide you in the right direction. Don’t be fooled. Yoga can be very relaxing and gentle. However, some types can offer more of that feeling of a workout. I was after both. Again, I cannot stress enough the importance of caring for yourself, doing what is best for you, and keeping in check with your doctor.

My first class experience was slightly comical. I walked in, and the instructor said this is an advanced class, so be aware for those who are new. I said, “I am not sure I am in the right place. I think I will come back and try a different class.” She told me she believed things happened for a reason and that I should stay. I gave it a go, but it was probably a bit comical. Not saying I recommend that. I am saying, get out there and give yourself a chance. 

Look Ahead

Migraines continue to be a topic that is in research. As I continue my journey, I will share more of my honest experience. It is exciting to know migraine is gaining more attention, and there are new treatments available to patients compared to what there used to be. Stay in touch with your doctor and stay hopeful.

Exercise tips and migraines: founder of


Exercise and Migraine. American Migraine Foundation. (2022a, December 1).

Geng, C. (2021, June 10). Yoga for migraine: Evidence, poses, and more. Medical News Today.

Santos-Longhurst, A. (2023, June 23). Migraines and stress. Healthline.

Yoga for migraine treatment. American Migraine Foundation. (2022b, December 1). migraine/#:~:text=Yoga’s%20postures%2C%20deep%20breathing%20and,the%20disability%20associated%20with%20migraine


Although we strive to provide accurate general information, the information presented here is not a substitute for any kind of professional advice, and you should not rely solely on this information. Always consult a professional in the medical and health area for your particular needs and circumstances prior to making any medical or health-related decisions. For your health-related questions, please seek the advice of a licensed physician or any other qualified health care provider immediately.

28 thoughts on “Exercise Tips for Migraine”

  1. Pingback: Migraine and Stress: How to Cope - Migraine Road

  2. I agree that yoga has multiple health benefits. My yoga instructor used to experience terrible back pain, but after implementing yoga for a while, her symptoms became well-controlled. Yoga is definitely worth looking into.

  3. These are some really interesting and helpful tips. As someone who gets migraines frequently I am definitely going to think about these ideas to see if they are able to help.

  4. Pingback: Migraine Lifestyle Changes - Migraine Road

  5. I have migraines that are so bad I feel like I am going to lose consciousness. I have so many things to do and it irritates me that I have to spend so much time laying down with yet another migraine!

    Thank you so much for writing this article. I had no idea how exercise could help migraines. I am going to go back and read this again and take notes.. and hopefully have less migraines.

  6. I completely agree with all of your suggestions on how important it is to exercise if you have migraines. I’m a medical social worker working with a pediatric neurologist and she and I spend a lot of time educating our patients that the lifestyle changes they make will impact the frequency and intensity of their migraines. Thank you for writing such an important article! If anyone out there is looking for some motivation to start working out, feel free to check out my post

  7. Looks like I never got around to this one before! Wonderful advice! As you are well aware, migraine is not my issue but trying to work in exercise with MS is equally important for many reasons. I stay pretty active at work but need more at times. I can’t handle much but I do use quick yoga workouts as a go to!
    Thanks for always giving such thoughtful advice!

  8. It’s amazing how many benefits there are to exercising. I never would have considered migraine help to be one of them. Great post!

  9. Thank you for these tips! As a migraine sufferer myself, I find it so hard to find an exercise that doesn’t create neck tension for me (my main culprit for migraines) so this has really helped!

  10. Thanks for sharing these tips! It’s important to still be able to do what you want to do and participate in exercise. I’m sure migraine sufferers will find this useful.

  11. Needed to read this more than you know! I have suffered from migraines for years and I also find exercise helps immensely. Your post is so well articulated. Will be saving to my bookmarks for whenever I need that reminder. ❤️

  12. As a life-long migraine sufferer, I wish I’d had this information back when I was running. Even now, it’s a good reminder that I need to add more yoga to my middle-aged life.

  13. This is a great post as exercise can be so great and some of your tips like being kind to yourself really help make it easier. Thank you so much!

  14. Such fabulous tips. I will definitely add some yoga to the mix as stress is a huge migraine trigger for me. I love swimming, and find it relaxing, but yoga sounds even better. Thank you for sharing!

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