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Diamond Headache Clinic

Diamond Headache Clinic changed my life. I had tried so many things, and after a brief improvement, my migraine attacks continued to become more severe and frequent. They lasted longer and longer and were affecting every area of my life. If you relate or know someone who does, I want you to know there is hope. I found mine at the Diamond Headache Clinic, but many options exist. The clinic includes several locations and an office visit to determine if you need to visit the inpatient unit. 

 I share my experience because I never knew it existed until I was referred there. I want people to know there are resources beyond a single doctor’s office, and their lives are worth finding what will help them. No person should walk through life with this disease without support and compassionate care. It can also be that you have a caring doctor, but you need a team. That is what led me to Diamond Headache Clinic.

Diamond Outpatient Clinics

Your first visit allows you to share your migraine history. This is very important to help you develop a better treatment plan. I learned so much during my first appointment. I felt affirmed, heard, and hopeful. So many things I had never learned and the realization that I had not tried it all. I was not at the end of the road of possibilities. Instead, I was at the beginning of what could work for me and give me my life back. That brought me to tears. 

First Impression of Chicago Inpatient Clinic

I knew I had entered somewhere unique when I stepped off the hospital elevator. While I appreciate many of the caring doctors and nurses who have taken care of me over the years during my hospital admissions, Diamond is like no other place I have been. Once you walk onto the floor, you leave the loud sounds, beeping, and bright lights behind. You have entered a place where everyone there specializes in migraine or headaches. They get it. I knew I was in a place that could help me.

Quality Care at Diamond

Every aspect of your stay at Diamond Headache Clinic is meticulously planned and considerate. The nurse’s station is strategically located away from patient rooms, ensuring a peaceful environment. This thoughtful design creates a space for treatment that is comforting to those with migraine.  In the hallways, nurses are always ready with medications that are easily accessible to your room. 

They are incredibly organized and efficient. I was astounded by how well the nurses managed all the patients and the various aspects of a patient’s stay at Diamond. The relief of not having a machine beep when your infusion treatment is finished may seem trivial to some, but to someone with migraine, it is a significant relief. 

Migraine Treatment Options

You are cared for in your room, and the whole floor is dedicated to helping patients find solutions and learn more about migraine or other types of headaches. Beyond finding what medications might help you, many other resources are offered during your stay. These include biofeedback, acupuncture, and physical therapy. I found a holistic approach to be ideal.

 I tried all of these things. Each person’s experience will be different, and I encourage you to take the time to find out what works for you. The journey is worth it, and so is your quality of life. 

Holistic Approach

 I found biofeedback to be effective when my pain was lower and something that might be helpful on an ongoing basis for prevention. In addition, the mindfulness you learn from this treatment could make life more peaceful and still allow you to endure an attack with less stress. 

I had wanted to try acupuncture for a while but had not yet had the chance. I was hopeful but uncertain what my experience would be. The acupuncturist came when I had moderate pain and severe nausea. After the session, I had much less nausea, and the pain in my eye was greatly reduced. I still had significant pain on the right side of my head, which is my classic location for head pain during a migraine. However, I was happy to see any improvement, which convinced me to add this to my treatment plan. 

Physical therapy for migraine can look many ways depending on your specific needs and migraine type. I had tried it before, but my time with the physical therapist at Diamond gave me several tools that have greatly improved my rescue tools. These include the Pivotal Therapy Pad and the Body Back Buddy Handheld Massage Cane.

Finding the right combination instead of one big treatment is my path to more success. You may find this, too. Just be sure you don’t give up. Finding so many things that don’t work can be discouraging, but finding what does can give you your life back. That makes the entire journey worth it. 

In addition to these treatments, the physical therapist had me try the Nerivio device. I had been curious about this but was unsure if it would work for me. I tried to go in with an open mind. At the time, I had severe pain, so I was not able to see the real success that was possible. However, I wanted to give it a chance early when my symptoms began. The therapist explained that it is like a blanket for your brain. It gives you some comfort and relief, and then you can combine it with other tools. The Nevivio device is also the only one currently covered by insurance. After trying it again once I was home, I have found it to be a very helpful part of my migraine kit.

Classes Offered by Diamond Headache Clinic for Migraine

The Chicago Diamond Headache Clinic offers a variety of free classes to provide you with even more knowledge and resources to manage your care and treatment success. One example is a pharmacy class explaining specific medications. I learned more about the medications I had already been given there and in other hospitals, as well as about new medicines to try. This provided more understanding and hope. 

Another class example is nutrition for migraine. This class provided helpful information and specifically explained the tyramine diet for migraine. This diet focuses on potential triggers for migraine attacks. The nutritionist outlined the foods included and explained each trigger. She also discussed an elimination diet to discover your triggers. I tried this again and found it to be informative. Fortunately, some of the staples in my diet were not triggers for me. 

Support groups are also offered. These are powerful ways to feel like you are not alone and learn how others cope. They can also be enlightening for family members. If you are unable to attend one of these as I was due to my timing of severe pain, you may also find the other classes to provide you with a sense of community. This is because they allow people with migraine to share their stories and to feel heard.

A Family Approach

Migraine affects the whole family, not just the person living with the disease. By including family members in the care at Diamond, they can better understand what their loved ones endure with migraine. In addition to this, the caregivers can receive support. We heard from people who had been on disability for 25 years and who had attacks that had lasted for two years or more. My husband’s eyes were opened to the significance of this disease. 

Patients can also have a family member stay in the room with them. This is limited to one person and can be extremely helpful. My husband stayed with me throughout my stay. He supported me and learned right alongside me. He could also help advocate and receive information while I was in extreme pain. In addition, his questions and recall of my questions enabled me to add to my migraine knowledge and learn how to manage my attacks better.

Family members can also find a place to work or relax while they stay with you. My husband utilized the desk in my room to work remotely. Others found the beautiful room overlooking Lake Michigan a nice place to visit just for a change of scenery or while their loved one was receiving other treatments. 

The inpatient clinic is also close to many places where family members can walk and get food or other necessary items. It is safe and also provides outside activities for additional family members to visit while you are receiving treatments. There are many hotel options as well. Some even offer discounts if you mention your family member is staying at Diamond Headache Clinic. 

Leave with Hope

Before I went to Diamond, it felt like I had tried everything. I even had a pharmacist tell me there was little left to try. This is so not true and does not help improve your quality of life. When I left that Clinc, I knew it would take time. However, I also knew my life would be different. I was afraid of losing my teaching position, the toll migraine would keep taking on my family, and the negative effect migraine had on my fitness. Diamond Headache Clinic gave me hope that I could live my life fully while also having migraine. I hope that others with migraine find the same thing. 

As a freelance writer specializing in health and wellness and a patient advocate, I am passionate about helping others with migraine and their families. Read more about my journey in Migraine Patient Journey.


National Headache Foundation (n.d.). Low Tyramine Diet for Individuals with Headache or Migraine. Retrieved May 29, 2024, from

National Center for Complimentary and Integrative Health (n.d.). Acupuncture: What You Need to Know. Retrieved May 27, 2024, from,for%20at%20least%202%2C500%20years.

Choose PT (n.d.). Three Ways a Physical Therapist Can Help Manage Headaches. ChoosePT. Retrieved May 26, 2024, from

Mayo Clinic (n.d.). Biofeedback. Retrieved May 25, 2024, from


Although we strive to provide accurate general information, the information presented here is not a substitute for any kind of professional advice, and you should not rely solely on this information. Always consult a professional in the medical and health area for your particular needs and circumstances prior to making any medical or health-related decisions. For your health-related questions, please seek the advice of a licensed physician or any other qualified healthcare provider immediately.

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